
Entry #8 Oregon

Hello all, today I will be discussing my unhealthy obsession with Oregon. I want to say this obsession started a couple years ago. It mainly. started after I watched twilight. I just love the rain and the beautiful atmosphere that they have. I haven’t done completely deep into it but I have done a lot of landscape research. Through there i’ve fell in love with many of their beach sceneries and hiking trails. TikTok also feeds this obsession with showing beautiful videos of Oregon. The rain is such a controversial thing that I hear about when I bring Oregon up. The only constant rain that Arizona receives is during monsoon season and that’s barely enough rain, so I think everyone’s concern is it rains constantly over there so I might not like it. I would agree with that point because after a while the gloominess would probably affect me. Not to mention that i’ve been hearing they have a lot of uncaught serial killers. The rain and serial killer parts are the main stoppers from me moving

Entry #7 Media

  I have been on social media for a long time. Since 4th grade actually. I started off on Facebook. Some social media apps that I have been on before are Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Musically, TikTok, MySpace, Flipagram, and many more. I would like to say i’m a seasoned media user. That being said i’ve seen many changes regarding media. When I first was on Facebook, there were very controversial things. At the time I don’t think Facebook or the media in general was super strict on what users posted, so at a young age I was exposed to many disturbing things. I’m glad to see that it has changed a bit in terms of things being posted. One thing popular on social media is the hashtag. Now I only ever really noticed hashtags on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Hashtags have always been a popular way to gain an audience. Many people gain audiences and interactions when they use hashtags. It is a popular way to reach your targeted audience. Some social media trends that were once po

Entry #6 Winter

   Hello all, unfortunately fall is slowing coming to an end. Although I would consider the weather that we experienced “fall like.” I definitely wouldn’t consider 110 degrees fall weather. Although I did enjoy the fall like activity. I enjoyed all the fall scents, seeing all the pumpkins, and seeing all the halloween decorations. I will definitely miss fall but I will welcome this “winter” wholeheartedly. When I was younger I didn’t really see much joy in the winter. However, as i’ve gotten older I thoroughly enjoy it. Winter is defiantly my 2nd favorite season. The only thing I don’t enjoy is the coldness that we experience. I’ve lived in Arizona my whole life and once it drops under 70, I start shivering. My mom has a habit of saving on the energy bills, so I think we’ve been having our windows and doors open for the past month. Now don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy the coldness for some reason. Except sometimes it’s a little too cold. I don’t know if I have a medical condition

Entry #5 Crisis

  Hello all, it has been brought to my attention that Arizona is facing a water crisis. I figured/knew we were in a climate change crisis however, I didn't think we were in a water crisis. In this article: . This describes perfectly what is going on in Arizona. The water storage crisis is impacting everyone in terms of drinking water and crops. It is also affecting small towns, who would've thought? Something I learned was that Arizona uses 40% of water supplies underground. This of course is an issue like climate change that has been going on for a long time and is  at a point where we need to change before it's too late. Thank you all and stay safe.

Entry #4 Christmas

  Hello all, it has saddened me that fall has quickly started and ended. However, it is now the season of GIFTING and Mariah. I'm kidding, I know it is not all about that but it is the most important aspect. Growing up I was never really interested in Christmas. To me, it was just another dreaded holiday. However, I don't know what has come over me these past few years but I just love Christmas. Obviously not as much as Halloween but it's pretty close. I just love the atmosphere that Christmas creates. It's a very loving yet cold atmosphere.  Here in Arizona for me, I consider 70 and below pretty cold. I do enjoy it when it gets cold because then I go up to Flagstaff and have fun in the snow. My favorite part of Christmas is of course the different cultures that celebrate. No matter the culture their concepts are very similar. I am having a bit of writer's block so that will be all for now. Until next time!

Entry #3 Bias

  Hello all, in this blog I will be discussing bias in the media. Unfortunately, it’s quite common which is ridiculous but they have to brain wash you some how. For this blog I will be discussing a article that I found which is both bias and a little funny. Its mainly funny because of how it starts off. The article in question is the . The article starts off with “ Pharmacies are boring. Pharmacies are supposed to be boring. But lately, they might be getting too interesting for comfort.” When it comes to the bias I understand it but for some reason it's hard to explain. Throughout the article its pretty clear that the writer is in favor of the pharamiscts which he should be but when writing articles relating to media it is important to remain as neutral as possible. Showing bias can tell the adueicen that really you only care for one side. This doesnt create credibilt

Entry #2 “Fall”

  Hello all, for this blog I decided to devote some time discussing my unhealthy obsession with Fall. Ever since I was little i’ve always been so excited for fall, probably because it is my favorite season. There’s just something about watching everything turn red/orange and just have nice chilly weather, well if you can call the weather in Arizona chilly. My obsession also probably has to do with my birthing being in October (the middle of fall.) It also helps that both halloween and thanksgiving fall under it. Who doesn’t love spooky season and food season?!  My favorite part of fall is definitely the smells especially anything pumpkin. As mentioned fall is home to spooky season which to me is such a perfect twist, I couldn’t imagine spooky season being under another season. For me, I love spooky season because it’s full of such great movies and kids dressing up in costumes, not to mention my birthday (October 30.) As mentioned as well food season (Thanksgiving.) I mainly love thanks