Entry #5 Crisis


Hello all, it has been brought to my attention that Arizona is facing a water crisis. I figured/knew we were in a climate change crisis however, I didn't think we were in a water crisis. In this article: https://earth.org/arizona-water-shortage/. This describes perfectly what is going on in Arizona. The water storage crisis is impacting everyone in terms of drinking water and crops. It is also affecting small towns, who would've thought? Something I learned was that Arizona uses 40% of water supplies underground. This of course is an issue like climate change that has been going on for a long time and is 
at a point where we need to change before it's too late. Thank you all and stay safe.


  1. It is funny that they say Arizona is facing a water crisis because in the summer I can tell. I see splash pads, sprinklers and people constantly washing their cars. I guess they might be talking about something below the surface. comments made by Ebby Jones


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