Entry #2 “Fall”


Hello all, for this blog I decided to devote some time discussing my unhealthy obsession with Fall. Ever since I was little i’ve always been so excited for fall, probably because it is my favorite season. There’s just something about watching everything turn red/orange and just have nice chilly weather, well if you can call the weather in Arizona chilly. My obsession also probably has to do with my birthing being in October (the middle of fall.) It also helps that both halloween and thanksgiving fall under it. Who doesn’t love spooky season and food season?! 

My favorite part of fall is definitely the smells especially anything pumpkin. As mentioned fall is home to spooky season which to me is such a perfect twist, I couldn’t imagine spooky season being under another season. For me, I love spooky season because it’s full of such great movies and kids dressing up in costumes, not to mention my birthday (October 30.) As mentioned as well food season (Thanksgiving.) I mainly love thanksgiving for all the food that is prepared, my go to is making a kfc bowl but instead I make it with turkey, potatoes, gravy, and stuffing. It is quite good. I apologize if this blog is all over the place, I believe that just shows my excitement for fall. I believe fall should be an all year round season, but for agriculture reasons I see why it’s not. 

Thank you for listening to my fall blog and I hope everyone has a good day. As a bonus I will show a picture that I took when it was pretty slow at work and me and my coworker decided to carve a cracked pumpkin, who was also staged to make it look like he was throwing up. Thank you again and hope everyone stays safe out there!


  1. Hi Anna, I really enjoyed your fall post! It is also my favorite season which I think is due to the fact that I have always lived in a hot climate. First Dallas Texas and then here which is pretty brutal. It doesn't hurt the first day of fall falls on day before or on my birthday (Sept 23). Christopher Vining's blog touches on the scary movies and Oscar Ortiz's talks about a scary hotel in Jerome! Even these blogs have a fall feel! I think there are many people with fall obessions so great post!

  2. Hello Anna, I like your Fall entry and enjoyed reading it. I also love fall because it is colorful and natural colors are so beautiful in it. My birthday is also in Oct 01st, and happy so early birthday to you!! Cute entry. Enjoy your upcoming birthday and also the fall season! Thanks for sharing your thought with us.

  3. I'm honestly embarrassed by how much I laughed at the horse picture. A lot of great people have birthdays in the fall, two of my close friends have birthdays on Sept 23rd and my sister is the last day of summer (Sept 22nd).


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