Entry #7 Media


I have been on social media for a long time. Since 4th grade actually. I started off on Facebook. Some social media apps that I have been on before are Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Musically, TikTok, MySpace, Flipagram, and many more. I would like to say i’m a seasoned media user. That being said i’ve seen many changes regarding media. When I first was on Facebook, there were very controversial things. At the time I don’t think Facebook or the media in general was super strict on what users posted, so at a young age I was exposed to many disturbing things. I’m glad to see that it has changed a bit in terms of things being posted. One thing popular on social media is the hashtag. Now I only ever really noticed hashtags on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Hashtags have always been a popular way to gain an audience. Many people gain audiences and interactions when they use hashtags. It is a popular way to reach your targeted audience. Some social media trends that were once popular and have gone is the creating choreography’s to songs. When musically was a big thing, creating 20sec dances to songs were pretty popular. As a younger kid I often enjoyed that aspect. I believe that concept is still around but its not as popular as it used to be. One trend that I hate right now is “pick me girls.” To me a pick me girl is a girl that acts a different way around men. This girl typically puts down other women to make herself seem more “put together” I guess you can say. Me personally? v that’s my reaction to pick me girls. I’m honestly not quite sure what other trends there are out there since my feeds are just full of funny videos. Thank you all for listening and have a wonderful day. 


  1. Hi Anna, I've been using social media for a while too! I remember the commercials would say "please ask your parents permission before going online!" and I didn't listen. It's good that they have more restrictions because nothing used to be restricted. I completely forgot about flipagram! The "pick me girl" trend grinds my gears too. -Nicole Dubek


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