Entry #3 Bias


Hello all, in this blog I will be discussing bias in the media. Unfortunately, it’s quite common which is ridiculous but they have to brain wash you some how. For this blog I will be discussing a article that I found which is both bias and a little funny. Its mainly funny because of how it starts off. The article in question is the https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/pharmacy-strike-cvs-walgreens-rite-aid-worker-conditions-rcna121944. The article starts off with Pharmacies are boring. Pharmacies are supposed to be boring. But lately, they might be getting too interesting for comfort.” When it comes to the bias I understand it but for some reason it's hard to explain. Throughout the article its pretty clear that the writer is in favor of the pharamiscts which he should be but when writing articles relating to media it is important to remain as neutral as possible. Showing bias can tell the adueicen that really you only care for one side. This doesnt create credibilty because it shows others that you only are educated and care about one side rather than the other. 

Unfortunately, biased information is everywhere. It's up to you as the audience to become fully aware of all the information before becoming biased yourself. Also this is my face when people believe bias media.


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