Entry #6 Winter


 Hello all, unfortunately fall is slowing coming to an end. Although I would consider the weather that we experienced “fall like.” I definitely wouldn’t consider 110 degrees fall weather. Although I did enjoy the fall like activity. I enjoyed all the fall scents, seeing all the pumpkins, and seeing all the halloween decorations. I will definitely miss fall but I will welcome this “winter” wholeheartedly. When I was younger I didn’t really see much joy in the winter. However, as i’ve gotten older I thoroughly enjoy it. Winter is defiantly my 2nd favorite season. The only thing I don’t enjoy is the coldness that we experience. I’ve lived in Arizona my whole life and once it drops under 70, I start shivering. My mom has a habit of saving on the energy bills, so I think we’ve been having our windows and doors open for the past month. Now don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy the coldness for some reason. Except sometimes it’s a little too cold. I don’t know if I have a medical condition or not but my toes get so cold to the point where they turn a bit blue so having the house all opened up has been a winter land nightmare for my toes.  With every season change of course I start suffering from my seasonal allergies. However all of this aside, I will gladly feel like this so I can visit flagstaff when it looks like this. Although i'm an Arizona native, I have only been to flagstaff about once or twice. The first time I did go I was proudly in a tank top and sweatpants playing in the snow. A very true Arizonaian thing to do. I thoroughly enjoy winter and can’t wait to visit flagstaff some more. Thank you all and have a great weekend. 


  1. I am sorry about your toes in the cold, but man do I love cold weather. When it hits 50 degrees it is like the perfect temperature for me. I hope you get to travel all over to experience all the cultures and seasons of other places! - Christopher Vining


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