Practice Blog Post

     Hello all, my name is Anna. My interests are reading up on poetry, astrology, and the occult. My hobbies consist of working, watching shows, and playing games on my switch. My passion is definitely my cats. My goals for this blog are to show people my perspective on things and hopefully they’ll help you gain insight into the way others think, another one of my goals would be to find ways to accurately put my thoughts into words.

    I’d like to say that I don’t look at myself as a writer. Mainly because I struggle with writing whether its meeting word counts or just simply finding out what to write. 

This is definitely me once i’ve realized i’ve done nothing but procrastinate. One thing about writing is that procrastinating is the worst thing to do. Unfortunately it’s something that I struggle with the most. Often times procrastinate is caused by fear. Fear of failure and success. Fear is defiantly something that has stopped a lot of people from achieving what they want. An article that has helped me understand procrastination is:
Understanding  procrastination, is definitely a step in the right direction. Pin pointing why it is we do that is the second step. Once we figure out why we do things and then determining how to fix them will always help. For instance, I procrastinate out of fear of failure. The last thing I want to do is try my hardest on something just to fail it. I’m defiantly a perfectionist as well so I often rethink and re-do my writings. I’ve been doing is so long that i’ve figured out doing my assignments at the last minute is actually better for me. It might not be the best thing but it’s what helps me. Hopefully through reading this article and finding out what you do and why, will help you in the long run on either figure out how to work with it or work out of it. 


  1. I can relate to being a perfectionist. I've realized, when it comes to writing, that a lot of writing is just practice. When you practice a sport or an instrument, you can't expect yourself to make zero mistakes. I hope that accepting the "practice" mentality helps alleviate your fear/procrastination!

  2. I procrastinate too but usually it's on things I really don't want to do like long assignments or just something I know I'm not going to understand. That article is very interesting. Thank you for that link. I think being a perfectionist is good sometimes but not all the time. Like you said it makes you procrastinate because you want everything to be right and don't want to fail once that assignment is turned it. I get it. I get that way too sometimes. I think the best thing for us to do is to just do our best and hope everything turns out well. - Emily F.


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