Entry #1 “Blogs”


Prior to my class, I never really had an interest in blogging, however now that i’ve been exposed to them, I quite thoroughly enjoy them. I will say i’ve always been someone that loves to talk so blogging about anything is quite enjoyable for me. I’m a very curious person so I enjoy reading peoples blogs because it gives me insight into how others think. To expand my knowledge and humor you all, I decided to read 3 blogs and share my opinions. 



After searching for hours (5 minutes), I found my first intriguing blog. The blog is called “The Blonde Abroad” through this I found the blog entry “The Best Destinations in the US to Visit This Fall.” Now me personally I love all things fall so I fall in love with this blog entry immediately. With this entry I love how many photos are included for each place mentioned and the descriptions that she gives with them. Now me, I honestly don’t enjoy reading nor do I have the attention span to do so, seeing the photos of the places personally sold me immediately.  I love that throughout the blog entry’s that she has she includes many pictures.



This was the second blog that I found intriguing. I am starting to see a pattern, I think I have a thing for traveling blogs. Off the bat I love the way that this blog is set up. It’s very neat and has a beautiful aesthetic. Once again i’m a sucker for fall so of course I had to check out the blog entry “Fall In Vermont: Best Places for a Foliage Road Trip.” The photos throughout this entry are insanely beautiful. Throughout her post I just enjoy how easily how words flow and how neatly her points are organized. She mentions a lot of the important stuff like what to pack, when to go, and more.


For the third and final one I decided to go with one I didn’t thoroughly enjoy, I figured I could share two that I enjoyed and one that I didn’t. Now I only didn’t enjoy this because it isn’t the typical blog I would be for. I will say that this blog is beautiful set up, I love the aesthetics that she has going on. The website is beautiful laid out. This would defiantly be perfect for anyone interested in fashion. Her outfits are definitely beautiful and the way she takes pictures are absolutely stunning. 

I thoroughly enjoyed reading all these blogs and now realized I have a strong thing for traveling blogs, especially the ones that include photos. I hope you’ve enjoyed my opinions on the blogs and I hope to see you guys again. Have a great day and stay safe. 


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