
Showing posts from September, 2023

Entry #2 “Fall”

  Hello all, for this blog I decided to devote some time discussing my unhealthy obsession with Fall. Ever since I was little i’ve always been so excited for fall, probably because it is my favorite season. There’s just something about watching everything turn red/orange and just have nice chilly weather, well if you can call the weather in Arizona chilly. My obsession also probably has to do with my birthing being in October (the middle of fall.) It also helps that both halloween and thanksgiving fall under it. Who doesn’t love spooky season and food season?!  My favorite part of fall is definitely the smells especially anything pumpkin. As mentioned fall is home to spooky season which to me is such a perfect twist, I couldn’t imagine spooky season being under another season. For me, I love spooky season because it’s full of such great movies and kids dressing up in costumes, not to mention my birthday (October 30.) As mentioned as well food season (Thanksgiving.) I mainly love thanks

Entry #1 “Blogs”

  Prior to my class, I never really had an interest in blogging, however now that i’ve been exposed to them, I quite thoroughly enjoy them. I will say i’ve always been someone that loves to talk so blogging about anything is quite enjoyable for me. I’m a very curious person so I enjoy reading peoples blogs because it gives me insight into how others think. To expand my knowledge and humor you all, I decided to read 3 blogs and share my opinions.  https:/ / After searching for hours (5 minutes), I found my first intriguing blog. The blog is called “The Blonde Abroad” through this I found the blog entry “The Best Destinations in the US to Visit This Fall.” Now me personally I love all things fall so I fall in love with this blog entry immediately. With this entry I love how many photos are included for each place mentioned and the descriptions that she gives with them. Now me, I honestly don’t enjoy reading nor do I have the attention span to do so, seeing the pho

Practice Blog Post

     Hello all, my name is Anna. My interests are reading up on poetry, astrology, and the occult. My hobbies consist of working, watching shows, and playing games on my switch. My passion is definitely my cats. My goals for this blog are to show people my perspective on things and hopefully they’ll help you gain insight into the way others think, another one of my goals would be to find ways to accurately put my thoughts into words.     I’d like to say that I don’t look at myself as a writer. Mainly because I struggle with writing whether its meeting word counts or just simply finding out what to write.  This is definitely me once i’ve realized i’ve done nothing but procrastinate. One thing about writing is that procrastinating is the worst thing to do. Unfortunately it’s something that I struggle with the most. Often times procrastinate is caused by fear. Fear of failure and success. Fear is defiantly something that has stopped a lot of people from achieving what they want. An articl